Oxymetholone is a drug with anabolic effects, which was developed in the 1960s. At first, Oxymetholone was used as a medicine for treating osteoporosis and anemia. Later it became popular in sports. This steroid is most often released in tablet form at 50 mg, and is considered a fairly strong drug. In order to avoid side effects after the course, it is worthwhile to monitor the dosages of the drug. Since recently, Oxymetholone began to be produced in oil. Oxymetholone can be bought in a specialized store of steroids.
Oxymetholone, the price of which is available to every athlete, is a quality drug. Its anabolic activity is 320% of testosterone, androgenic activity is 45%, the process of aromatization does not develop, but there may be some side effects, has a weak effect on the liver, is used mainly in the form of tablets, the activity period is 15 hours, the drug is detected within 3 months.
It is not advised to use this steroid for men under the age of 21 years. Oxymetholone, the course of which lasts from 1 to 1.5 months, helps very well to increase body mass. It is not recommended to increase the duration of the cycle, because, first, it will not give great results, and, secondly, it can cause side effects (harm to the liver). The largest dose of Oxymetholone is 100 mg per day. Huge doses of the drug will not increase its effect, but, on the contrary, will increase the risk of side effects. The normal dosage of Oxymetholone is 50 mg daily. Many athletes select individually the scheme of taking the drug.
After using this steroid, PCT should be carried out. During PCT, testosterone boosters and estrogen blockers, such as Clomiphene (Clomixyl / Clomed), should be included. The duration of such a course should not be more than a month. To maintain the results obtained on the course, you should adhere to a diet and training plan.
Oxymetholone is combined with many drugs, for example, Testosterone (Testosterone Enanthate / Testosterone Propionate / Testosterone Suspension / Testosterone Cypionate), Boldenone (Boldaxyl), Primobolan Depot (Primoxyl 100).
Do not use Oxymetholone with Nandrolone and Trenbolone, due to the fact that there may be various undesirable results. In order to increase physical performance, Oxymetholone is combined with preparations based on Testosterone. The most qualitative combination of the drug is a combination with a suspension of Stanozolol. Oxymetholone reviews are very good, used by many athletes. In order to get cutting muscle mass, it is not recommended to use Oxymetholone, because it delays water in the body and is mainly aimed at mass gain.
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Drug Type: Oral Anabolic Steroid
Substance: Stanozolol
Dosage: 50 mg per Tablet
Tablet Count: 100
Brand: Dragon Pharma
Purpose: Cutting Cycle
Lab Tested: View Results
Drug Type: Oral Anabolic Steroid
Substance: Oxandrolone
Dosage: 10 mg per Tablet
Tablet Count: 100
Brand: Dragon Pharma
Purpose: Cutting Cycle
Lab Tested: View Results
Drug Type: Oral Anabolic Steroid
Substance: Fluoxymesterone
Dosage: 10 mg per Tablet
Tablet Count: 100
Brand: Dragon Pharma
Purpose: Cutting Cycle
Lab Tested: View Results